Wedding Photography For The Bride/Groom; Part 2 – Wedding Photographer Selection Criteria

Just because your friend hired someone doesn’t mean that’s the right photographer for you. Photographers have different styles and Personalities. The more creative the images, the more comfortable you want to be with your photographer. If you’re uncomfortable with your photographer, it will show in your images. Then you’ll be very disappointed in the results.

Any photographer should be able to show you samples of their work. Meet with them to view their work and talk to them. Please, don’t, don’t, don’t, and I’ll repeat don’t hire someone without meeting them. You can’t gain comfort with someone via texting or email. Whatever your price bracket, sit down with the photographer and get to know them. If you’re only paying $200 for a day of service, don’t expect the photographer to spend a lot of time with you before the wedding. Does meeting and talking with the photographer take time? Yes, but you’ll be glad you invested the time.

Pro photographers will have a lot of equipment, they know how to use it and they understand lighting. Understanding light is very, very, very, very important. Get my drift here?? Just because your friend has what you think is a Big Fancy Expensive camera and a Big Fancy Expensive lens doesn’t mean they understand how to use the camera or understand light.

In the next post let’s talk about Wedding Photography Budgets.

Tom Szabo, “Phot-art-ographer”
A Thomas Image

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