Portrait Photography Dilemma – Solved!

Photography, Portrait

Our Christmas portrait in South Carolina for 2012.

Families are becoming more “transient” as time goes by.  Meaning, as family members move for job opportunities more frequently now.  Most every Christmas, my wife’s brother, his wife and two boys join us for Christmas day.  This year due to job opportunities, one family member moved and was not able to come home for the holidays.  So he and his “bride” extended an invitation for us to join them in their new home in South Carolina.

 As we gathered together, the camera and tripod came out as usual.  Only this time we were able to shoot some portraits on the beach in South Carolina along with the typical christmas tree backdrop settings.  I normally print out a 5X7 for each family and send it after the holiday.  This year I had a lot of poses for print for sending.  Then it dawned on me.  Why not group them together as a collage and have one printed for each family unit.  So that’s what I did.  As you can see we have the entire group on the beach, a beach title, a group in front of the tree and in this case a photo of my wife and I together.

 All-in-all, I think it turned out nice.  Everyone had multiple photos of the family and one of them by themselves all in one 8X10 print.  Dilemma-Solved!


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